Tax Investigations Service for Personal Tax
Despite the detail and care we take producing your personal tax returns, you could be selected for a full scale investigation by the tax authorities involving complex, intrusive questions and a tax inspector trawling through your records. This process can easily result in your affairs being turned upside down and, unfortunately, you can be randomly chosen for enquiry.
We have an excellent record dealing with tax enquiries and can provide you with a comprehensive service. This type of work can be extremely technical and can require significant time and resources in order to handle the investigation correctly. Even a very basic tax enquiry can easily result in hundreds or even thousands of pounds of additional fees.
Because of this, we offer a Tax Investigations Service which, for a small annual fee, will in most cases provide you with full, specialist support in the event of a tax enquiry.
Subscribing to this service will cost just £63.60 (including VAT) for the year and the link to the application form is attached below.
The service enables us to:
- Provide you with full professional representation in the event of a tax enquiry
- Handle the tax authorities on your behalf
- Deal with all correspondence and meetings with the tax inspector
- Negotiate the best possible result for you
Please click here for the service summary, providing a more detailed analysis of what this service provides.
The service commences on 1st March 2017. Please ensure that we receive your payment by this date in order to ensure you are protected. Any clients that do not subscribe will be responsible for our fees in the event they are investigated. Is is now also possible to subscribe to this service at a pro rata rate throughout the year.
If you would like to take advantage of the investigation service then please download our application form below or contact us on 01962 856 990,, or fill in our Tax Investigation Service Application Form.
Please call us on 01962 856 990 or visit our contact page.