Updates to Advisory Fuel Rates
UK Tax Residence – COVID-19 Activity
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has written to the chair of the Treasury Select Committee to outline temporary changes to the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) for those coming to the country to work on COVID-19 related activity.
UK Tax Residence – Impact Of Coronavirus
People are being prevented from travelling from the UK to other countries at present due to the Coronavirus epidemic. This could affect their UK tax residence status and therefore; their UK tax liabilities.
Top 10 Expat Tax Tips for Individuals Moving to the UK
The UK tax rules for non-domiciled individuals were thrown into confusion by the proposed reforms to apply from 6 April 2017 not being included in the Finance Act 2017, however, the Government has now confirmed that the Finance Bill due to be published in September 2017 will include the proposed reforms and that they will appl
Overseas Pension Changes 6 April 2017
HMRC have announced that the tax legislation regarding the UK tax treatment of the overseas pension scheme is changing from 6 April 2017.
Changes to the Taxation of QNUPS
HMRC is making changes to the taxation of Qualifying Non UK Pension Schemes (QNUPS) but, if structured correctly to provide for your future and that of your family, a QNUPS remains an attractive retirement planning opportunity.
Disguised Remuneration Update – Loan Charge Enacted
Continuing HMRC’s long-running campaign against abusive tax avoidance, Finance (No. 2) Act 2017, which was enacted on 16 November 2017, contains legislation to create a one-off tax charge on loans from disguised remuneration (DR) schemes if those loans are not repaid by 5 April 2019.
Offshore Bank Account Reviews
It is time for non-domiciled “Expat” individuals to consider their offshore banking arrangements if they wish to continue claiming Overseas Workday Relief on an efficient basis.
Overseas Workday Relief (OWR) – Relief for non-UK business travel
UK domiciled individuals have to file their UK tax returns on the “arising basis,” reporting worldwide income and gains. The remittance basis is available to UK residents that are non-UK domiciled (often called “non-doms”) which means that UK tax is paid on foreign and overseas income or gain but only if remitted (brought) to the UK.
ATED: New Annual Tax Rules from 1 April 2016
ATED is an annual tax payable by companies and other non-natural persons that own UK residential properties. From 1 April 2016 onwards ATED will apply to properties valued at £500,000 or more, where it previously only applied to properties worth at least £1 million. The ATED valuation date is 1 April 2012 or the date the property was acquired if that was later.
Year End Tax Planning for Non-Doms and Expats
There are always as number of factors for “expats” to consider whether this relates to non-domiciled individuals (“non-doms”) living/working in the UK or Brits leaving the UK and seeking to establish non-residence status.
US Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) – Swift Case
Following the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Anson v HMRC (the Swift case), HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has now published its view of the decision.
UK Budget – UK tax treatment of “non-doms”
In his Budget on 8 July, the Chancellor announced major changes to the way non-domiciled individuals (“non-doms”) will be taxed in the UK from April 2017.
Summer Budget 2015 – Key Points
With his summer Budget speech of 8 July 2015, Chancellor George Osborne has introduced significant changes to the UK tax system and set out the Conservatives plans to balance the budget by 2020.
Budget Newsflash – Changes to Non-Domiciled Rules
In his 2015 Summer Budget, the Chancellor has announced changes to the rules that determine an individual’s domicile status.
UK Property Sales: Capital Gains Tax for Non-Residents
Death of the UK Tax Return for Expats?
Expats Need to Review Offshore Bank Accounts
Changes to the Taxation of Share Awards for Expats
New Criminal Offence for Offshore Tax Evasion
Reviewing Offshore Expat Bank Accounts
HMRC Briefing on Offshore Tax Evasion
Fee Protection Services 2014
Clampdown on tax evasion for expats in Spain
Year End Tax Planning
With the end of the UK tax year (5 April) looming in to view; it is time to consider various year end tax planning that might make a difference in reducing your tax liabilities. Issues to consider include but are not limited to: